Aviasales.ru helps you to find the cheapest airline tickets.
- State: maharashatra
- Country: India
- Listed: February 3, 2025 2:30 pm
- Expires: 14 days, 2 hours
Aviasales.ru helps you to find the cheapest airline tickets. We have access to a global database of flights by 728 airlines and 45 flight booking agencies, which allows us to find flights in real time and compare them with each other. The prices you will see are final – you won’t have to pay anything on top.
Calendar widget can help to see how prices differ from day to day.
Conditions on baggage are known from the start.
Filters allow to customize a search.
There are only paid bookings in statistics in Admitad. The average time of payment of orders is 30 min, max is 3 days or 1 month (rarely).
Top GEOs:
30% Moscow
10% Saint-Petersburg
the rest
The target audience:
25-35 years old
55% women
45% men
Your commission rate will increase to 1.4% (instead of 1.3%) if you have 50+ ticket sales per month.
14 total views, 1 today