Expert Farm Drainage Solutions in Winnebago WI
- City: Wisconsin
- State: Wisconsin
- Country: United States
- Zip/Postal Code: 53001
- Contact No: 9207667431
- Website:
- Email: [email protected]
- Listed: February 5, 2025 11:39 am
- Expires: 23 days, 20 hours
In 1996, brothers Keith and Jeff Newhouse saw a need for someone to perform small trenching jobs in Winnebago, WI. Soon after, JK Trenching LLC was born. In the early years, it was an evening and weekend gig for the brothers, who were committed to providing reliable and high-quality trenching services to their community. As business demands increased, Keith decided to give up his full-time job to concentrate on trenching full time.
By 2016, after successfully completing several small agricultural drainage jobs and field tile repairs, our clients began requesting more comprehensive farm drainage solutions. Leveraging their lifelong farming experience, Keith and Jeff decided to expand their services and offer full farm drainage solutions. With this decision came the acquisition of advanced equipment, including a Link-Belt excavator, an Inter-Drain tile plow, and a GPS guidance system, allowing us to deliver precise and effective drainage services.
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