Greg McCollum Complete Legal Defense Team -Surfside Beach
- Contact No: +1 843-461-1374
- Email ID: [email protected]
- Website:
- Street: 2055 Glenns Bay Rd, Surfside Beach, SC 29575, United States
- City: Surfside Beach
- State: South Carolina
- Zip/Postal Code: 29575
- Country: United States
- Listed: August 27, 2024 4:22 pm
- Expires: 9 days, 3 hours
CALL (843)-321-4968
Our firm “Greg Mccollum Complete Legal Defense” focuses exclusively on criminal defense & DUI defense to help people who deserve our help in Myrtle Beach.
Our team knows from experience what you go through when you get arrested and “everybody” finds out about your misfortune and thinks the worst of you. We do the opposite and look at the good in you.
Most clients, regardless of how old or young they might be, have never been arrested. Our clients generally have lived good lives and have been good people who never thought they would ever be accused of a crime. We believe that one bad moment or one lapse of judgement just means you are human.
We believe no one is perfect and people sometimes make mistakes. We do not want one bad mistake to define your life. We know your life, including all the good you have done and all the great things you have accomplished, is who you really are. Our goal is to set you on your feet again and try to put the bad behind you and help you regain the life you had before you were accused.
We know how the police use force and scare tactics and misinformation techniques and we do not approve of any of that because it is harmful to human dignity. We believe in human dignity and we try to respect it.
Our firm “Greg Mccollum Complete Legal Defense” focuses exclusively on criminal defense and DUI Defense. We built the Complete Legal Defense Team to help people who deserve our help. We are not a one size fits all law firm and we do not accept every client or every case. If you want our help please call us to speak to us confidentially to see if you qualify for representation and help from our team. You will be glad you did.
We defend clients who have been accused of felonies, misdemeanors, and federal investigations. We also have a DUI Defense division for people accused of DUI.
Schedule A Free Consultation
Whether you have been charged with a serious offense or something minor, if you would like help please contact our office now.
+1 843-461-1374
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